Los muralistas mexicanos

Tantos años han pasado.Muchos años.Y yo no me di cuenta.Estoy a punto de terminar colegio.Tengo que estudiar algo.¿Pero que?Todos mis amigos ya saben que van hacer con sus vidas. Unos quieren ser arquitectos,unos quieren estudiar idiomas.Estuve siempre tras de un sueño,queria ser arqueologico, viajar por el mundo ayudando gente pobre y pintar.Pintar con pasion,como los grandes muralistas mexicanos

 ´El sol y la vida¨ Frida Kahlo, 1974

¨Como resultado de un terrible accidente de autobús, a la edad de 18 años, Frida fue incapaz de tener hijos. Su obsesión con la fertilidad era a menudo un tema recurrente en sus pinturas. En este cuadro, el sol que da la vida está rodeado de plantas con forma de penes y matrices femeninas protegiendo un feto que se está desarrollando. La pintura también revela la tristeza de Frida por su infertilidad, tal como muestra el lloroso sol y el feto.¨

Pensando en la muerte¨  Frida Kahlo, 1934

¨Durante este período, la salud de Frida había declinado hasta el punto donde pasaba la mayor parte de sus días confinada a la cama. Debido a su mala salud, en ese momento y a través de los años, la muerte está siempre en su pensamiento, simbolizada por la calavera y las tibias cruzadas que aparecen en la ventana circular en su frente. De acuerdo con las antiguas tradiciones Mexicanas, la muerte simultáneamente significa renacimiento y vida. En este autorretrato, la muerte se presenta contra un detallado fondo de ramas de espino, un símbolo derivado de la mitología pre-hispana, a través de la cual la artista apunta al renacimiento que sigue a la muerte. La muerte se entiende como un pasaje de transición a una vida diferente.¨

Mural de Diego Rivera que muestra la vida de los aztecas en el mercado de Tlatelolco. Palacio Nacional de la Ciudad de México.

¨La adoración de la virgen¨ Diego Rivera ,1913

  ´Eco por un grito´ David Siqueiros , 1937

¨ Zapatistas¨,  Jose Clemente Orozco 1931

Detalle del mural de José Clemente Orozco en la Biblioteca Baker, Dartmouth College, Hanover,
New Hampshire

Una vista de la escalera principal con obras de José Clemente Orozco en el Colegio de San Ildefonso en el centro histórico de la Ciudad de México.

El mural de la entrada es espectacular, tiene 4,000 m.² está situado sobre las escaleras, está dedicado al Padre Miguel Hidalgo con la antorcha de la libertad en mano. Jose Clemente Orozco

What your nails say about you

Side note: I may or may not have taken it a bit too far this time. VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED.

Bitten off nails- ‘No, no, I’m not crazy, just a bit stressed out at the moment’ *bites off your ear*


Dirty nails- ‘Only ratchet girls get their nails done’ or ‘I don’t care what the world thinks of me’ or ‘Dude, your negativity is like, totally messing with my aura’


Every other nail long- ‘I worked so hard on growing them out, I couldn’t just chop them all off, just because a couple broke’


Medium length, perfectly manicured french many- ‘ Because of my high powered career, I don’t really have time to follow fashion trends, but a french manicure will never go out of style’ (Newsflash, it did)


DIY nails- ‘Anyone can be a manicurist, or maybe I’m just that good at everything’ or ‘Don’t tell anyone, but I saw a bunch of girls posting pics o their nails and being like ‘Oh my left hand is so pretty, but my right, ARGHH’ and I wanted to be just like everyone’

index                                         index2

9-inch nails- ‘ What yous mean there ain’t no beef jerky, mama NEED her protein.’ or ‘Some of my clients like it when I scratch them’

hy                             index

Quick trend report

One of the coolest videos ever
Asap Ferg is one of the awesomest people ever. He made one of the coolest music videos ever and the whole thing takes part no where other than Fashion Week, with Cara Delevigne watching the whole thing vis Face Time. Oh and if Cara and FW aren’t enough for you, there are a bunch of celeb cameos including Kanye and Rihanna and the amazing awesome Les Twins. Who, in case you don’t follow hip hop or Beyonce are one of the best hip hop dancers of today, so you might want to check them out. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wVNlbe2kXP4

Želim da budem vetar

Nikad nisam nikome zaista želela zlo.Čak i kad bi me mrzeli i osuđivali.Maltretirali ili diskriminisali.Nisam nikoga mrzela, mrzela sam to što su radili.Pa opet, ne smatram da im treba kazna.Već su dovoljno kažnjeni.Ali ovo nije priča o iskrivljenim ljudima i njihovim beskrajnim kompleksima.Mnogo puta nas zadive ljudi drugačiji od nas.Interesantni,simpatični, i vi se združite.Prolazi tako vreme, menjate se.I onda dođete u situaciju da jedna strana ne daje ništa, a vi se trudite da date za oboje.I date sve od sebe.I to je sila akcije bez reakcije,pomućena fizika.Šaljete informacije u svemir čekajući povratnu.Možda je i nekada postojala, kada je druga strana bila na zemlji.Ne udaljena svetlosnim godinama od vas.I onda se pitate gde ste pogrešili.Bili ste uvek tu, i u dobru i u zlu.Uvek sve tolerisali,opraštali.Ne razumete.Nema objašnjenja.Od mnogih odnosa ostaje samo nemir.Krivica..Vidite lošu sliku sebe jer svi odustaju od vas.A treba vam oslonac koji ste svima bili.Ali čovek je plašljiv i izmiče se.A vetar, vetar ima razarajuću snagu.Opet može biti milosrdan.Niko ne može da ga ukroti i prkosi ljudima plujući im u facu sve njihove slabosti.Slobodan je.Vetru ne treba oslonac.

My heart is broken but I am alive

A thing that I didn’t mention on this blog is something that is so important to me that i didn’t want to jinx it by saying anything prematurely before I was sure it was happening. What people don’t know about me, unless they know me quite well, is that without exaggeration my career literally means more to me than anything in this whole world. Since I was a kid, my parents were divorced so my dad was never really a part of my life, and my mom was working a lot because of the whole single parent thing. So, as you can imagine I didn’t have the typical family you see in movies. I was mostly with my grandparents and aunts with whom I’ve lived with, and they’re more than anyone could ask for when it comes to family. The point that I’m trying to make is that from early on I was aware that you can’t influence a whole lot if a person is going to hurt you, make you feel small or alone, you can’t influence if you’re going to fall in love or if someone is going to love you, for me it was logical that the only thing you actually can influence is your career, because it is the only thing that depends 90% on you. So I speak 3 almost 4 languages, I am good at math and I dance. I do everything you can imagine. From babysitting my half-sister, to helping my father in his optician’s shop. I cook and I manage a blog. I have a full plan for my future.I’ve won competitions in math, English and dance. But for some reason I just can’t amaze people. Nothing I do is enough. I truly am never a pessimist, but I believe this time i have tried enough times and still no one will say: Congrats! You’re awesome! I don’t know many if any kids my age that are this organized and hard-working.
I have been writing this rant, but I failed to mention what it is about. Last year I tested for this American organization called A smile, to get a chance to go to America for a year, when I failed I tried for Interculture, similar but costs way more and is based on Europe, failed again, tried A smile again and flunked again. You can not perceive the pain I went trough when I failed again. And it’s funny, because I failed at the first round of A smile, which was a basic English knowledge test. TBH I think I speak English just fine, right? And the questions were just basic knowledge, for example: A man is walking a/an/the dog. So how did I flunk? I really don’t know, and I really don’t want to question the integrity of such a prestigious organization. O yeah, so when all hope basically died out for me you know what happened? I managed to pass on another test for HMC. When I got that letter of acceptance I literally screamed and started crying my eyes out in front of my Lit teacher and the class. I never felt prouder. I dragged my family twice to a relatively far away city all with my pregnant mom and baby sister at hand. But I just didn’t manage to impress them.
So I would just like to express my feelings regarding this situation: I am amazing. I am impressive and I do more on a daily basis than half the students you decided to fund. I work harder and more than most, and it isn’t showing now, but if it’s the last thing I ever do, I promise to make it count one day. I am not one of those rich kids like North West, who is a year old and is already taking ballet lessons, swimming lessons, and piano to name a few. No, no, no. I was never in my life pushed to do anything. One of my parents has a college degree and the other a PhD. They always wanted me to finish college no need for extra curriculum activities or anything special, just to be a normal kid who didn’t stand out much, did what was expected, finish college, get married, and get a job as a teacher. They didn’t even push for me to have good grades. Everything I have achieved is my doing and mine alone. So to sum up, I applaud you for choosing the kids you did, they did deserve it more than me, and you know why? Because this experience will be the highlight of their lives. They’ll come back and will do what is expected, finish college, get married, and get a job as a teacher. But this, the experience that I lived and breathed for for the last few months won’t be able to measure up to a tenth of the things that I will accomplish in my life. And I will not let this determine a moment of my life, I will use this as a push to work harder and faster and who knows where you might see me in 10 years.

Digitalni nonsens

Duboko smo zašli u eru digitalnog doba.Svi već imaju profile na skoro svim društvenim mrežama, a dnevno se otvara na hiljade i hiljade novih.Besmisao gde god da se okreneš.Postavljanje svojih golišavih fotografija i merenje lajkova.Bljuc.Tako je.Već smo odavno izgubili prave vrednosti i mislim da bi i u javnosti mogli dati komentar na to samo sa bljuc.Jer ko danas gleda šta je normalno, a šta ne.Kad je sve poprimilo neko svoje ludilo.I kako mi onda kažu da bljuc nije validan odgovor na postavljeno pitanje.Ja to odbijanje ne prihvatam.Dakle,otvorili smo naše slatke profile i dnevno pošaljemo na hiljade porukica nesvesni koliko smo glupi.A glupi jesmo.Ko bi još želeo da se svako beznačajno tračarenje skladišti u ogromnu bazu podataka i čuva za vek i vekova.Zamislite da odete na groblje i kliknete na grob, a on automatski prikaže sve informacije o nesrećnom preminulom.Morbidnost nas prati na svakom koraku, a privatnosti više nema.Sve je odavno postalo javna tajna i javna privatnost.Sve što postavimo bukvalno poklanjamo datoj mreži i ja se izvinjavam ali kako to uopšte može da se izmisli.I ko to uopšte dozvoljava.Ljudi otvoreno traže digitalizaciju poput one iz filma ‘Terminator’ ili bilo kojeg naučno fantastičkog dela.Jer ništa od toga ne bi bilo da to mi nismo izmaštali.Paradoksalno ljudsko mišljenje vodi samo do još većeg paradoksalnog ljudskog delovanja.I naravno da naša planeta Zemlja (bolje da je zvana Morbidija) umire jer smo u svim tim apokalipstičnim filmovima videli kako bi ona izgledala.Na prvi pogled užasnuti,na drugi uzbuđeni i nesvesno željni apokalipse i njenih naleta adrenalina.Posle oko dva sata filma mi smo se već navikli na činjenicu da će to tako biti.I ko sad još to želi da menja.Zaista,odoh da okačim još jednu sliku na fejs…


Quick trend report: OBI belt

So I think I might keep the Quick trend report as a thing, because I don’t always have enough material to write a whole trend breakdown, so i have to stack up posts and then mash them up. But I often just hear or see one thing that might become a trend, and if I have to stack I usually forget to put some things in. So, we’ll see…

Today I want to talk about OBI belts. So the OBI belt is basically a sash that Japanese martial artists wear to show their rank, and the royal woman wear as a sign of formality. Right now it is actually starting to become a trend at NYFW seeing as though designers like Phillip Lim, Dries van Noten and Antonio Azzuolo are putting them on both man and woman. It’s awesome because its very comfortable and you can wear it with giant shirts/sweaters/jackets… And of course kimonos.

KIM_2108             LIM_2108               azzuolo_022_1366