New me!

I’m sorry we haven’t been posting for a while now, but we’ve been moving! Yes, we got our own site, which I hope you’ll check out at . We had to change the name though, because Lovely Life was already taken, go figure. But other than the site we decided to open up a Twitter account as well as and Instagram account, so who knows, you might even get to see our faces. Links down below.

Izvinjavamo se zbog manjka postova u poslednje vreme, ali moram reci da smatram da je vrlo opravdano, jer smo dobile nas licni sajt! Potrudicemo se da bude jos bolji nego sadasnji i zato vas molim da ga posetite na: takodje, napravile smo i Twitter i Instagram koje mozete zapratiti na donjim linkovima:



Quick trend report

One of the coolest videos ever
Asap Ferg is one of the awesomest people ever. He made one of the coolest music videos ever and the whole thing takes part no where other than Fashion Week, with Cara Delevigne watching the whole thing vis Face Time. Oh and if Cara and FW aren’t enough for you, there are a bunch of celeb cameos including Kanye and Rihanna and the amazing awesome Les Twins. Who, in case you don’t follow hip hop or Beyonce are one of the best hip hop dancers of today, so you might want to check them out.

Quick trend report: OBI belt

So I think I might keep the Quick trend report as a thing, because I don’t always have enough material to write a whole trend breakdown, so i have to stack up posts and then mash them up. But I often just hear or see one thing that might become a trend, and if I have to stack I usually forget to put some things in. So, we’ll see…

Today I want to talk about OBI belts. So the OBI belt is basically a sash that Japanese martial artists wear to show their rank, and the royal woman wear as a sign of formality. Right now it is actually starting to become a trend at NYFW seeing as though designers like Phillip Lim, Dries van Noten and Antonio Azzuolo are putting them on both man and woman. It’s awesome because its very comfortable and you can wear it with giant shirts/sweaters/jackets… And of course kimonos.

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Hair trend 2015

Last year I had an awesome idea ” Why not chop my hair off, so that it looks like Beyoncé’s in XO?” (You can check it out here Well you twat, it cannot look like Beyoncé’s because you do not have a professional hair stylist following you around everyday. But I did it anyways, and at first I loved it, I didn’t even want to get a perm or do an ombré, because it was so chice and elegant. But then I washed it for the first time and the ends twirled and I had to blow it out every time I washed it so that it looked presentable. So I started to get irritated, because I have to wash my hair three to four times a week, I like to just blow dry it and brush it and it to look not to dressy, but stile hot. But this stile was just not having it. So I killed myself using three types of combs combined with two sprays and a giant blow dryer, standing in front of a foggy mirror and it most often resulted in me being so completely sweaty that the shower would end up being a waste of time. Currently my hair has regained some of it’s length, I’m half proud to call myself an owner of hair that is halfway into being elbow-length (at least the front part is, the back however, has just surpassed my neck, sigh). And I am half proud to say it because the hair trend for 2015 states LONG GROOMED AND NATURAL HAIR IS THE WAY TO GO. The forecasts seem to be stating a lot of loose buns and braids, but overall pixies are out. And with great hair comes great responsibility so here are the facts that are actually true with hare care and washing:

1. Wash as rarely as possible. The bottom line is, grease greases your hair, and without it your hair breaks, and becomes straw-like. Also, your hair needs grease, so if you remove it, it will just create more grease to replace it. So leaving your hair dirty for a couple of days is a good thing and will only make it prettier once you wash it.

2. Use minimal shampoo. Something my hair stylist had told me is that a lot of clients (myself included) tend to overuse shampoo, which leads to getting dandruff, because shampoo is chemistry and when you use to much, you have a lesser chance of washing it all of, and it just stays on your scalp irritating it.

3. Wash thoroughly. Rinsing is equally if not even more important than shampooing, and I’ve laid out the reason in point number 2.

4. Warm water, We all need those hot showers, where the bathroom gets so foggy you can barely breathe, but as any other thing that people find pleasure in, it harms you. More like, it harms your skin. It opens up your pores and your poor hair has no choice but to fall out. So try to set your hot shower usage to a minimum, and turn to lukewarm water instead.

5. Cold water- shiny finish. When done with your wash, try to send a wave of cold water down your head it does and amazing thing in lifting your hair and giving it awesome shine.

F R I Z Z Y 😍 웃 Hair | via Tumblr


Fall Fash
Trend breakdown
I can’t believe we’ve made it halfway through fall already! A majority of designers have already showcased their spring lines, but we’re still months away from being in a climate hot enough that we can actually wear them. So while we’re waiting (and daydreaming about flat abs and crop tops), all we can do is embrace our winter weight by wearing big and cozy jumpers,and loose pants,because this season its all about comfort!

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COLORS: Light and gentle colors like pastels or earthy colors especially orange

PRINT: Patched is the most prominent, although animal and basic prints are always a yes!

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BAGS: The smaller the better, oversized bags are officially out. Oh as for colors, bags are an exception, as they SHOULD be in lively colors, or at least they should be statement bags
SHOES: Sneakers are a giant hit this season, caution: not all sneakers are fashionable (there are still people that use them for sports rather than as accessories), and if you’re looking for boots OTKs (over the knees) are very popular, but no matter what choose flats are definitely hotter than heels, and last the hottest trend: Menswear-Inspired Oxfords, showing just how geek can be chic. you


SHIRTS: Buttoned up all the way

PANTS: Comfort is key, so if they’re not slouching they should at least be wide enough to be mistaken for pajamas
DRESSES AND SKIRTS: This season we’re taking a turn for saints rather than sinners. Yes you’ve heard me right modesty is all in, so wrap yourself up and make sure no skin is showing. Everything should be at a mid-calf length.
ACCSESSORIES: All about them flours! Elegant yet colorful, designers have even been putting freshly cut flowers into their broches or necklesses

JACKETS: As I’ve said before, when it comes to coats: the bigger the better. A special type of giant coats that is definitely the most popular is the wrap coat. Again if it looks as if it’s a part of a sleeping ensemble you’re doing it right.
MAKEUP: Eyes are this season’s centerfolds. Oh, and sparkle. Nothing without sparkle.

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